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Hi all. How does anyone feel about the MAP movement, social group? Would you go to MAP Pride?
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Open thread.


> Hitler would shoot you for this.

Recently someone asked in 4chan's /lgbt/: there are two buttons, one button kills all chads, another one kills all troons. Guess which one did troons themselves choose.


You are not paying attention! Read it again! I mean that China and the USSR are the same fascist states as fascist Italy and nazi Germany. North Korea also has a fascist regime. The names are different, but the essence is the same. Any dictatorship, authoritarianism and totalitarianism is fascism. Real leftist politics is anti-authoritarian, democratic and liberal. What you said about leftists being embittered and vengeful is complete nonsense! Remember Hitler, what he did because his art works and paintings were not accepted.

You also said something absurd about animal behavior, comparing them with people and situations that are completely different and fundamentally different. And the gastrointestinal tract of animals is of different lengths and shapes, but the digestive, chemical and biological function is actually the same for everyone.

You have a wrong understanding of the left and right wings of politics. Maybe it's because you listened to those who claimed to be leftists, but in fact they are not?


>Why waste it for self-soothing when I can sublimate its power for revolutionary actions against society?
Based post-marxist.


was also surprised and shocked. These are incompatible things, like, for example: saving jews together with Hitler or eating meat together with Mahatma Gandhi.


> Real leftist politics is anti-authoritarian
Both left and right can be both liberal and authoritarian. I'm not even going to take this bait seriously. Are you echoing the DPRU propaganda aimed at senile grannies who are deeply instilled with the USSR anti-fascist propaganda to turn them against Russia, claiming that Russia is a fascist state (while in fact it's a continuation of USSR with a KGBist at the helm), and DPRU is a progressive leftist country striving to join EU and sharing its values?

In fact, serious politologists define much more axes than liberal-authoritarian and left-right, like ownership, market, power, autonomy, identity, or progress. They can be balanced in arbitrary combinations, representing different existing movements, and there's no any contradiction with that.
> And the gastrointestinal tract of animals is of different lengths and shapes
You mad? RTFM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruminant#Digestive_system_of_ruminants

Tell me directly: would you like to eat grass and chew the cud like a cow?

Why even recall Hitler and Gandhi? They're long dead.

Ideologies are not cast in stone. If you do, you will end up with same totally silly questions as Jews, like if switching the electrical light on is igniting a fire, and thus if it is allowed in Sabbath.

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Дилатируй дилатируй транни
Ты никогда не будеш настоящей женщиной


Що значить «справжня» жінка?


Ето так.



На росії є хірурги та медики, які цим займаються? Як несподівано.

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С обоссыванием жопы



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mykola loves tgirls

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Чи є інші причини ставати MtF трансиком, окрім автогінефілії і гонитви за сильнішим сексуальним задоволенням у ролі жінки?
3 replies and 2 images omitted.
Open thread.


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>Autogynephilia is defined as a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female.



Ти якусь хуйню ненашенську мені тут втираєш.
Кожен настоящій сварщік любе свого автогена!
Автоген - це сила, автономність і незалежність від проісків Ахмєтова!







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Ameritran here hello ukraine


Hi. Are you cute?

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В росії заборонили будь-які ЛГБТ. Кожен громадянин росії, що переглядає лгбт треди на цій імідборді, ризикує своєю сракою.


Срать пацрєот не може без Расєюшки. Прокидається вранці і думає що там в расєї заборонили. Український цивільний пацрєот, іді нахуй!


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Моя чесна реакція.




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Just wondering if here is a man from south africa that would take my asshole viginity

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3 replies and 1 images omitted.
Open thread.


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I don't like men, I only like girls with dicks.


Hello, i need urgent financial help, am in Uganda and am not safe as am not of the streets after the landlord and community found out that i am gay, i urgently need financial help to relocate please am on the streets




I am lookingt for gay parties


Welcome to China & North Korea PARTY CAMPS, m8!

Not much far. Awesome Parties. Much cool people.
Real diversity. Lots of kinks n crazy nights. All-inclusive.
They'll get U vibe like never b4! CONCENTRATED!

Afraid of not blendin' in?
Top prep into da cuttin' edge culture 4 free!

Find out more 4 yo'self!
Be first to get there before ur m8s do, m8!

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Опитування серед програмістів.

Що не так з ґеймдевом?
16 replies omitted.
Open thread.


Помити, проепілювати, вдягнути в чисту сукенку, напнути перуку, накласти професійний макіяж і під кокс покатить.


>Помити, проепілювати, вдягнути в чисту сукенку, напнути перуку, накласти професійний макіяж і під кокс покатить.
Програмісти шарять.


Не кожен підарас - програміст, а от програміст підарас завжди.


Я вже почав сумувати за тобою. Не пропадай!



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